Event Standby

CUEMS offers event standby services for all University sanctioned events, including those hosted by Cornell University departments, student organizations, clubs, sports teams, fraternities, and sororities on the Ithaca Campus or surrounding University-owned properties. Unfortunately, we cannot provide EMS standby coverage at events not held on University-owned property.
Based on availability, CUEMS will provide at least one crew with equipment to standby at your event for the requested duration. The assigned crew will not leave your event at any time, barring a major campus emergency. Should the need for additional emergency resources arise during your event, the CUEMS crew will contact the appropriate agencies.
As CUEMS does not charge for event standby coverage, any and all donations are greatly appreciated. As a volunteer service that provides medical care free of charge to the patient, all proceeds will be used for general expenses, including replacing supplies used at the event; none of our members are paid for working at the event.
Please note that CUEMS attempts to provide coverage for all University-affiliated events within our response area. However, as an all-volunteer service with limited staffing, it is not always possible to provide event standby coverage, even when the event is requested in advance. We strive to satisfy all requests for service, and will notify you as soon as possible if we are unable to complete your request.
We are able to provide first aid and basic life support, but we are not athletic trainers and cannot make decisions or recommendations about injured individuals being able to resume participation in event activities.
To request a CUEMS crew for your event, please fill out the event request form below. Please include information about the nature of the event, the date and time of the event, and the expected number of attendees. CUEMS will determine the number of crews needed based on crew availability and consultation with Cornell University Police and Cornell Environment, Health and Safety. Bangs Ambulance also provides standby EMS coverage; please contact them directly for more information.
For more information about CUEMS event standby coverage, please contact the Scheduling Officer.
Please submit requests for service at least two weeks in advance of the event.